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As a leader, I have found that humility can be a powerful tool in building trust, fostering teamwork, and driving success. While leadership often requires confidence and decisiveness, humility can help you build stronger relationships, make better decisions, and inspire others to follow your lead. After many years of learning the hard way here are my three ways a leader can strive to be humble:

  1. Listen to others
    One of the most important ways to be humble as a leader is to listen to others. When you listen to your team members, you demonstrate that you value their input and respect their opinions. This can help you build trust and foster a culture of collaboration, where everyone feels empowered to contribute their ideas and insights. As a leader, it’s important to make time for one-on-one conversations with your team members, listen to their feedback, and take their perspectives into account when making decisions.

  2. Acknowledge your limitations
    No one is perfect, and as a leader, it’s important to acknowledge your limitations. This can help you avoid mistakes, learn from others, and build a team that complements your strengths and weaknesses. When you acknowledge your limitations, you show your team members that it’s okay to make mistakes and that everyone has room for growth and improvement. This can also help you build a culture of continuous learning, where everyone is committed to personal and professional development.

  3. Give credit to others
    Another important way to be humble as a leader is to give credit to others. When your team succeeds, it’s important to acknowledge the contributions of each team member and celebrate their accomplishments. This can help you build a culture of recognition, where everyone feels valued and appreciated for their hard work and dedication. When you give credit to others, you demonstrate that you’re not the only one responsible for the team’s success, and you inspire others to continue striving for excellence.

I believe humility is an essential trait for any leader.  As you practice these habits, you’ll find that humility becomes a key part of your leadership style, helping you achieve your goals and lead your team to success.

Humility as a Habit by Don Gulley